Social ills and violence in communities and schools continue to impact the children’s well-being and learning opportunities.
In the first three weeks of June 2022, the Adopt-a-School Foundation held leadership development workshops for 160 learners from Meriti and Boitekong Secondary Schools funded by Merafe Resources. The leadership development workshop targeted Grade 8 – 10 boy and girl learners, specifically observing ill-disciplined behaviours.
The leadership development workshop is the first intervention of the Moral Regeneration project under the Social Welfare programme. The Moral Regeneration project aims to engage learners in dialogue sessions on issues pertaining to sound morals and values to address issues of violence. Additionally, the programme also helps learners develop social, ethical, emotional, physical, and cognitive competencies to enable them to set personal goals and create a conducive learning environment. Further, it allows learners to have shared values that everyone in the school system will uphold.