Frequently Asked Questions

Adopt-a-School Foundation is a non-profit organisation that supports the creation and enhancement of a conducive learning and teaching environment in disadvantaged schools.

Our Strategic Objectives:

  • Ensure the delivery of quality and best value programmes for beneficiaries and stakeholders.
  • Ensure effective programme implementation to support the improvement of education learning outcomes in schools.
  • Establish and maintain a reputable, capable, innovative and dynamic organisation.
  • Develop and maintain systems and policies to support transparency, accountability and good governance.
  • Develop and maintain funding models that will ensure the long-term sustainability and optimal impact of our work.

Adopt-a-School operates in 616 schools in all nine provinces of South Africa. Also, we work in four schools in the Morifi Village in Lesotho and one school in Mozambique.

The core concept of adoption focuses on building sustainable relationships between donors, schools, communities and relevant government departments.  Our aim is to encourage a minimum five-year relationship, however, we do tailor projects based on our donors level of support.

Schools wishing to apply for adoption may download the form here or email us on and we will send the application form to the applicant. The applicant is required to complete the form and email it back to us via email. When we receive the complete application form, it is saved on our waiting list of schools until a donor is secured.

  • Once a donor is identified and the Memorandum of Understanding has been signed, a stakeholder advocacy meeting is held at the school.
  • The first intervention in all our new schools is the implementation of leadership development, strategic planning and teambuilding. This is where the School Management Team, educators and School Governing Body formulate new vision and mission that will provide a sense of direction and outline measurable goals for the school and its performance. Through this process, all parties; including the school, DBE and the Foundation, will develop a detailed action plan in order to improve the school facilities, academic performance and the general morale of the school.
  • The Foundation’s action plan - from the due diligence report on the school - will be incorporated in the planning.
  • The aim of the strategic planning is to prepare all stakeholders, readying them for change, enabling them to be in a position to take responsibility and ownership of the project.

The first highly recommended intervention in all our new schools will be the implementation of leadership development, strategic planning and teambuilding.  Through this process, all parties; including the school, DBE and the Foundation, will develop a detailed action plan in order to improve the school facilities, academic performance and the general morale of the school.

The Foundation’s action plan - from the due diligence report on the school - will be incorporated in the planning.

The aim of the strategic planning is to prepare all stakeholders, readying them for change, enabling them to be in a position to take responsibility and ownership of the project.

Adopt-a-School Foundation does not offer remuneration or financial incentives to educators for their participation in our or supplements to the salaries of educators involved in the project. However, educators that meet agreed-upon performance targets could qualify for material incentives.

Adopt-a-School Foundation’s partnership with the Department of Basic Education, from national to district, is critical to the success of our programmes. It is crucial that we are aligned with the Government’s plans and that our work complies with its policies and standards. For this reason, we are in constant consultation with them.

We also collaborate r with the Departments of Health, Social Development and Home Affairs to address project-specific challenges faced in our communities.

Schools are selected through the following criterion:

  • Disadvantaged schools can apply for adoption.
  • Willingness on the part of the school and the School Governing Body (SGB) to participate and accept responsibility for the project.
  • Evidence that the SGB is functioning effectively.
  • The school must be ready for change.
  • The willingness of parents to contribute to the success of the school.
  • Commitment to maintaining new structures built by the Foundation.
  • Demonstrable evidence of the acute needs of the school.
  • Determination of the School Management Team, educators and learners to participate in the improvement of their school.
  • The commitment of the educators and SMT to improving the learners’ results.
  • The willingness of the school to participate in all Adopt-a-School Foundation’s events, projects etc.

No, we do not fund schools nor fund projects. Adopt-a-School Foundation is a non-profit organisation and our mission is to support the creation and enhancement of conducive learning and teaching environments in rural and disadvantaged schools in South Africa by mobilising the private sector, organisations and individuals. All projects are implemented through donor funding.

Whether an individual, a group of individuals, an organisation or a group of companies, you can support Adopt-a-School Foundation and help us change lives, one school at a time. Our Fundraising and Communications Team would be happy to assist in discussions for tailored projects. The Foundation is an implementer from start to make for meaningful Corporate Social Investments needs.  Donate here.

  • Successful implementation of your company’s CSI initiatives
  • Tax exemption for the amount donated or to the value of the in-kind donation.
  • BB-BEE Accreditation.
  • Frugal financial management of your invested funds and resources.
  • Acknowledgement of your company by the Foundation as a contributor to the improvement of education in South Africa.
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