29 May 2014. The Girl Child Institute of Mentorship, a new Cell C initiative, has connected 27 Grade 11 and 12 learners from Adopt-a-School Foundation’s rural and township schools to some of South Africa’s successful women leaders. View the gallery here
Today, these dynamic young girls will be introduced to their mentors and under their guidance, begin an intense 12 month mentorship programme. Mentors include highly successful business women such as Cheryl Carolus, Nolitha Fakude, Joan Joffe and Phuti Mahanyele. Adopt-a-School Foundation board member, Yvonne Themba, is among this group of influential women. She says “I am honoured to be a part of the initiative and I hope that I will be able to contribute in some small way to shape the future of my mentoree by listening to her life dreams and quietly giving her the confidence to pursue them.”
Adopt-a-School and Cell C have a shared vision of a future where more women will be vibrant contributors to the economy. They have proudly selected strong, smart, young girls with leadership qualities to become part of this programme.
Adopt-a-School has also partnered with Cell C for its 12th annual Cell C Take a Girl Child to Work Day taking place today. Over 750 girl learners from its schools across the country are experiencing a work day in a variety of organisations in both the private and public sector.
Initiatives such as the Cell C Take a Girl Child to Work Day and the Girl Child institute of Mentorship are critical to the holistic development of our youth. Adopt-a-School Chairman, Cyril Ramaphosa, says that “initiatives like these affirm the value that society places on the success of each individual pupil. It offers them recognition, encouragement and inspiration.”
Adopt-a-School Foundation and Cell C encourage all participating organisations to continue to contribute to education after 29th May. Building on the philosophy of corporate social development and active citizenship, Adopt-a-School Foundation and Cell C encourage all corporates to go Back to School for a Day on Mandela Day, 18 July. Back to School for a Day is an Adopt-a-School initiative encouraging corporate volunteerism in disadvantaged schools.
Together with Cell C and a variety of other like-minded partners, Adopt-a-School believes in the power of collaboration in order to make a meaningful impact on the lives of our country’s future leaders.
Adopt-a-School Foundation partners with Cell C to invest in the dreams of the girl child 29 May 2014